EIS.Marketing is both our business name and also a key division of our business. We are a specialist marketing business that  provides clients with a wide range of marketing and other specialist solutions.

Established in 2004, as our name implies, we have significant expertise and considerable experience helping businesses involved with EIS – the Enterprise Investment Scheme and the SEIS (Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme). However, whilst a lot of our work involves EIS, we are not exclusively involved with EIS. Indeed we can  also help businesses involved with many other specialist alternative investments, as well as other businesses, particularly in the Financial Services sector and the Professions.

EIS.Marketing and our team, are very well established in the industry. Through a combination of our specialist knowledge, excellent deal flow, influential contacts and sector specific experience, EIS.Marketing and the team have helped many clients raise significant funds over the years - in excess of £1 billion!

We offer our clients a wide range of different services and solutions and we always aim to provide our clients with a first-class, personal service. We believe that as all our clients have their own specific needs and objectives, they should have bespoke solutions tailored to their requirements.

Our experience in the sector means that we know the issues to look out for when helping our clients. In this respect, if you work with us on a project, we will always work closely with you to make sure everything runs as it should. We will help you deal with any issues that arise, although we will of course, do what we can to help you avoid most issues in the first place.

Details on some of our services and solutions can be found here.

In addition to the EIS.Marketing services, we also have some other specialist divisions in the business.

KickStart Capital, our Private Investor Network, is home to a selection of exciting investment opportunities that EIS.Marketing Ltd are working on or are involved with from a marketing perspective. The investment opportunities available change on an ongoing basis and are primarily tax efficient opportunities in companies seeking investment under the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and  / or the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS).

Palladium provides clients with a wide range of marketing, publishing and business development solutions. It specialises in  Financial Services, the professions and businesses that want to market their proposition to High Net Worth individuals and / or other businesses / organisations.

MaxiMail is a feature rich, commercial email marketing solution, that aims to maximise email deliverability.  It aims to provide users with all the tools needed to manage email campaigns, whilst complying with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) rules.

Details on the 3 divisions mentioned above, can be found my clicking through to the appropriate websites.


Although we are able to carry out many services using internal resources, we do not do everything in house. Where appropriate, we can bring in one or more of the many external specialists that we work with to help with projects we are involved with. When this is needed, we will always aim to make the process as seamless as possible.

We believe that our ability to call upon our network of some of the best experts and specialist service providers in their respective fields, is a major benefit to all our clients.

Examples of the types of areas where we may bring in outside resources include legal services, accountancy services, taxation services, company secretarial and FCA / compliance resources. With many external parties, we have negotiated very attractive terms that our clients benefit from if they need to engage with them directly. With some work, it is not even necessary for clients to engage directly with outside parties, as we will sub-contract the work and as far as our clients are concerned, they will be dealing with us.